

Hassans Wall Lookout
The highest lookout in the Blue Mountains approximately 1100 metres above sea level. This lookout gives magnificent views over the Hartley Valley, as well as views of Lithgow.

A shelter at the car park

magnificent views over the Hartley Valley

I was more interested in the towering cliffs of lookout itself rather than the views from the lookout.

entrance of a cave

inside the cave

A view from the cave, where we could see another section of Hassans Wall Lookout.

Two sections connected by a narrow bridge.

At the second section, there are magnificent views as well as the towering cliffs nearby

Looking back to the cave where we were.

towering cliffs in nearby...

Jenolan Caves
Jenolan Caves is acknowledged as the oldest open cave system in the world. With inspring caverns, the underground rivers and breathtaking formations, Jenolan is regarded as one of the world's finest caves systems, and is the most visited show cave site in Australia, with some 225,000 vistors annually.
In 2006 the age of cave sediments was determined by geophysical methods, and an age of 340 Million years was found. This makes the Jenolan caves by far the oldest caves of the world. The second oldest cave, located in the Guadelupe Mountains in New Mexico, U.S.A., is 65 million years old. Most caves are (only) up to 5 million years old.
These limestone caves are one of the most amazing works of nature. A true under the world wonder!

Blue Lake framed by archway - Carlotta's Arch is a large and spectacular cave remnant overlooking Blue Lake. It is an old cave which has long since been eroded away.

The entrance of Nettle Cave, a self-guided one.

It is impressive viewing these limestone formations.

But not after comparing it to any one of 11 show caves...

Because of our time constraint, we only visited one show cave - Lucas Cave.

These limestone formations were even more impressive. 進入洞內 會讓人目不暇給 因為周遭直讓人驚喜連連


The Broken Column is one of the most spectacular formations in Lucas Cave. It was broken by floor movements many thousand years ago

The guide did a comprehensive narration

Everybody was busy for taking photos.

神像? 用你的想像力去觀察周遭的各形各色


fish fossil - It shows that Jenolan Caves once lay below a warm shallow sea...

ABBA – Chiquitita (little girl)



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